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  • MJ Savino

Dr. EnQi - Holistic Science Master Class (Video)

Dr. EnQi is a single father, Certified Personal Trainer, Master Herbalist, Sports Nutritionist, Elite Calisthenics Specialist & Naturopathic Doctor who studied Dr. Sebi's Philosophy and has delivered a Masterpiece in terms of Holistic Science & Biochemistry. He is providing Holistic Science in a cutting-edge Paradigm when understanding our body has become a life or death Priority.

The question regarding Coronavirus has been asked quietly amongst millions worldwide, "What would Dr. Sebi say" if he were here? The correct question is what did Dr. Sebi say regarding Coronavirus?

Mr. G filmed, directed and edited a pure Master Class by Dr. EnQi on just that, which is the most in-depth Holistic Science video to date. This may be the foundation of changing the world and he is giving away a free PDF/Blog to explain even further.

Free Master Class

Free PDF/Blog


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