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VitalGroundz own DeDan "Blabbz" Baldwin Interviews w/ StayUp

Shout out to StayUp.News editor-in-chief, Roberto E. Alejandro and our Brother Mic Handz on the connect, maybe the first chance of many for Blabbz to build on our focus and what we strive to do. To us Hip Hop is Family, Hip Hop is Our Culture. Never knew a Great Love that didn't hurt and we still Love Her.

StayUp.News recently caught up with DeDan (also known as Blabbz) CEO of, is seeking to bridge the gap between older and younger generations of heads. With a project to bring Hip-Hop and mentoring together. In the episode, DeDan discusses how Hip-Hop encompasses all forms of music and is today a multi-generational family affair, and why it is important to make sure the new heads know their history and the struggle it came from. Press play above to hear the important work of

StayUp.News is a revolutionary media project that seeks to document social and political issues through Hip-Hop, amplifying the voices of persons from sectors of society that often go ignored in the process of news gathering, and doing so in a language that is intimately familiar to them.

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